Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Please Leave My Presidents Spear Alone

Is it just me, or are we South African's just suckers for some violent hate-filled controversy?  It really does seem that every few months we run bang into another huuuuuge issue, that totally consumes the airwaves, cyberwaves, blogospheres, and just about every facet of our lives.
Let's rewind a bit here ... Zapiro's cartoon, The Dalai Lama saga, impulsive racist rants by a model to name a few. Now this. The world famous Spear. What makes it worse is that people are given access to airwaves and suddenly they have all the answers to the countries problems. You hear it all the time... "if Zuma ran this country properly or led a decent life, nobody would draw him with his genitals on show for all and sundry". I even heard one half-wit lady on radio say that "we just don't get the broader message of the spear. Zuma is the head of the country, and we as a country are bleeding from rape, violence - so that's what its all about". Luckily I was driving, else I'd probably try to wring her neck through the radio.
I'm not even going to bother mentioning some of the other educated theories. My point is this, dear White friends.
You guys had charge of this country for 46 years. Mighty good job you made of it. Heck, now we scream of censorship and freedom of expression, what were South African's offered under your governance? Sjamboks and cussing that's what.
So please get off your high pedestals. Governing the country is not a social media popularity contest. There are people out there that twitter means bugerall for. All they are concerned about, is eeking out enough so that they can get that next 25kg bag of mielie meal. And guess what. There's not a chance in hell they're going to vote our twitter queen, Zille into power. Not in this lifetime at least. I'm sorry. You had your chance, you blew it. Now let the people of the land have their chance.

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