Friday, May 27, 2011

Frack Off, NATO Scum

Photo from Flickr: noeldouglasflickr

It's a new year, and with that a new NATO offensive. Libya. The war for pristine african Oil. Sorry, I should have said Humanitarian (sic) mission. In recent days, theres been an escalation of aerial bombings, British attack helicopters, targetted assasinations - all in the name of rescuing the poor, persecuted Libyan rebels. And yes, in case you wondering, we've had this plot before. Remember the Kurds of Iraq. Rescued by the Yewwnited States of America. Look how well that has turned out. Iraq is now a wasteland, with no credible government, and still teeming with daily clashes for power.

Libya, before NATO went in for the kill, had a per capita income of US$ 14,429 - highest in Africa. A Literacy rate of 76%. Life expectancy in years of 75. These figures will rival many European countries, which is probably one of the reasons NATO decided to invade the country.

Yet, the greatest trick NATO has pulled on us, is not financing and arming the rebels from the background, signing behind-the-scenes Oil contracts with them, should they be victorious, but the fact that they have a perfect faceless front that nobody can point fingers at. Who do you hold accountable for all the destruction ? Who do you put on trial for war crimes? Who is the villain ? In this regard, they have outdone the Pharoah of Moses, the Golliath of David, and even in our era, our very own Adolf Hitler. They have the perfect alibi. They hide behind the guise of a multi-nation peacekeeping force. One has to give due to where its deserved, and this is simply brilliant. Couple this with propaganda beamed to billions over worldwide sattelite news stations, and what you have is an open cheque book, to go and loot, pillage, and steal wherever they next fancy.
NATO in Libya. From Flickr: cvrcak1

But, the one lesson that they fail to take from past tyrants, is that every Phraoah will eventually meet his Moses. Look into the annals of history, into any scripture, and the message is clear. Yes, the world has seen the likes of NATO, Yewwnited States, Israel, before. In the end, injustice and oppression never survives. It's the way Almighty has created this Universe. Call it whatever you want to. Travel through the world, and look for the remnants of nations that were more mighty and powerful than any of these. Ancient empires that ruled over half of the known world. You'd be lucky to find a rusty old relic to bear witness to their vast empire. So NATO, take your shiny missiles and frack off. Before a day comes, when the people of the world will finally wake up to you, and like the ol school playground bully, rid ourselves of your scum once and for all.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

CellC Whoosh - Slowest Internet EVER in South Africa

I changed my internet from Iburst to CellC, earlier this year. I was with Iburst for about 3 years prior to that. CellC, came out with their media-hyped new 3G - whoosh. Now Im tied in to R140 pm for a service I can hardly ever use. The connection totally reeks. On weekends, I cant ever get a connection that lasts more than 5 minutes. When it does, it is soooo slow - my old 56K modem dial-up was faster than this.

Please anyone, dont fall for this tell Trevor, media hype of CellC. Total fabrications and lies. Their internet is the slowest in South Africa!

Before all you CellC lovers get on my back - I understand maybe in central JHB, Yes it works fine, but theres more to great customer service than serving a small minority of people. I live in springfield - Durban - not far off from Durban CBD. so coverage should not be an excuse. They should include this disclaimer in all their hyped up media ads. Total hogwash. I tried contacting Trevor Noah, via twitter, and the SMS no. HAHA - what a waste of my time.

Grrr.. wish I was back with Iburst - better the devil you know than the one you dont.
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